One promising approach is the development of packaging based on materials that can already be recycled in existing circuits: this is the case of paper fibre packaging, which can be disposed of in the current paper recycling circuit.
The plastic in this packaging is replaced (fully or partially) by materials based on paper fibre.
LeafSkinTMis a skin vacuum packaging solution that replaces the structural plastic with a paper fibre structure, while making it easier to recycle paper by separating the packaging's paper and plastic parts.
TM is a MAP packaging solution that replaces the structural plastic with a paper fibre structure, while making it easier to recycle paper by separating the packaging's paper and plastic parts.
Traysealed packaging with cardboard traysThis packaging uses 100% cardboard trays, meaning the plastic lid can be separated from the cardboard base, making it easier to recycle all materials separately.
Flow-Pack with paper filmOur Flow-Pack packaging machines can be designed to work with paper film. The machines are designed specifically to ensure the paper film is not marked, perforated or ripped during the packaging process.
- Snack bar in recyclable paper packaging. Packaging waste can be recycled in the conventional paper recycling circuit.
- Packaging solution for biscuits that can drastically reduce the amount of materials used, replacing common plastic film with 100% recyclable material in both primary and secondary packaging. The secondary packaging consists of two adhesive labels (top and bottom) that group the primary packaging elements together. The sticker is made of paper from the same material as the primary packaging (other materials can also be used), meaning all the waste can be recycled together.
Medical devices
Paper film is also used in medical device applications. The medical-grade paper used in this case allows the product to be sterilised after the packaging process.
PizzaPizza packaging made from 100% plastic-free greaseproof paper film.