At ULMA Packaging we are committed to local talent with the creation of the “ULMA Classrooms”

May 29, 2024
At ULMA Packaging we understand that collaborating with educational institutions is a strategic relationship. For us, this is a fundamental aspect; it allows us to bet on local talent, and we are aware that collaborating with these schools today is a commitment not only to the development of our own future talent, but also a commitment to our society.

We develop strategic alliances with schools

Every year we work to promote this relationship by developing different initiatives: we incorporate people for dual training, we organize student visits to our facilities, we collaborate in the theoretical training of students, we co-design study programs... and this year, we wanted to go a step further, implementing ULMA Packaging Classrooms in three study centres: MGEP, Miguel Altuna and IMH.


In these classrooms, students will learn, through challenges, how to assemble some of our machine’s assemblies. This way, we are able to bring the company closer to the students and collaborate directly with the schools in high-quality training.

We have created real technical challenges

The first step was to define the challenge, together with the schoolteachers, where we aimed for a technical challenge so that the students could put into practice their theoretical knowledge and, therefore, be able to offer challenges that would bring the company’s activity to the students.

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Once the challenge was defined, and the technical knowledge had been transferred to the schools, the next step was to provide them with all the necessary resources to be able to start working on it. Last, we set an agenda where the different schools and the company collaborated so that the students remain in the school and can have a good learning experience.

We assist in their learning process

Each school annually starts up the challenge and our role is to support them throughout this process; to be able to teach the students how these sub-assemblies are mounted and what they are used for in our packaging machines.

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For this purpose, we organize different visits for the students to our company and we try to show them how ULMA Packaging can be an important part of their working future and a place where they can develop personally and professionally.